Hopefully, this will never happen to you. But, there are circumstances – a fire, for example – when you and your family would need to exit through a window.

It pays to be prepared for that eventuality.

Your first step is to determine which windows are safe to use as an exit. There should be at least one on each level.

The windows you select will need to provide enough space for a person to climb through (at least a 20 inch opening). Make sure everyone knows which windows are “safe exit” windows, and how to open them. Keep in mind that windows may have screens, so ensure everyone knows how to remove those as well.

For a second floor window, consider purchasing a portable escape ladder. These are compact and easily stowed in a closet or under a…

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Imagine you were selling your car, and a prospective buyer was on the way over to see it. What would you do? You would probably make your vehicle look as clean and shiny as possible, inside and out. 

The same holds true if you’re selling your home and there’s a potential buyer on the way. You want the buyer to be wow’d by your property. Here’s a handy checklist to follow: 

  • Clean every room. Make your entire house look as “guest ready” as possible.
  • As much as is feasible given the time, reduce clutter. Consider packing some items into boxes and storing them in the basement or garage.
  • Get pets out of the house. You can take them for a walk, have a neighbour watch them, or take them to a good kennel.
  • Turn on the lights, even during the…

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