Next to a major kitchen renovation, replacing appliances is the most expensive way to upgrade the space. So if you’re purchasing a new refrigerator, stove or dishwasher in order to make your home more attractive to buyers, you want to make wise purchasing decisions. 

The most important consideration is how the appliances will look in the kitchen. Ideally, they should match in colour and style. They should also be the right size for the space. The last thing you want is a fridge that’s so large it dominates the room, or a stove that’s a completely different style and looks out-of-place. Appearance is important, but so are the features.

Buyers viewing your home will scrutinize the appliances. They’ll notice if the fridge has a cold water and ice…

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When is the best time to meet with a REALTOR® like us? Chances are, you would say, “When I’m thinking of buying or selling a home.” You’d be right, of course! 

 However, there are many other good reasons to meet with us. Here are just a few:

  • You want a professional opinion as to the current value of your property, so you know what it would likely sell for in today’s market.
  • You notice a home listed for sale in a desirable neighbourhood, and you’re interested in learning more — even if you’re unsure you want to make a move.
  • You’re thinking of moving within the next couple of years, and you want to find a REALTOR®'s like us, that you can get to know and trust.
  • You want some recommendations for preparing your home for sale and especially…

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